Risk assessment compulsory for 25 years - We help keep the air clean
For 25 years it has been one of the duties of a boss: the risk assessment. It is anchored in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. According to this law, employers are obliged to identify the hazards associated with a job and to enact protective measures for their employees.
Typical health hazards in the metal industry arise from particles that are released during welding and grinding, for example, and get into the air we breathe and the surrounding air. They can cause lasting damage to the health of employees and are even suspected of being carcinogenic in some cases.
When it comes to preventive measures in these areas, the use of extraction technology is at the top of the priority list. "What this actually looks like varies from customer to customer. We see ourselves as a special plant manufacturer who offers every company an air technology concept tailored to its work and hall situation. The basis for this is, of course, detailed consultation," explains TEKA Managing Director Simon Telöken.
The first choice here is always the point extraction recommended by the employers' liability insurance association. In addition, solutions that circulate and clean the room air can be considered. "Our digital room air monitoring system Airtracker, which automatically checks the room air quality in terms of fine dust, humidity, temperature or volume and documents the values, helps to determine the status quo in the hall. "
We will be happy to advise you!
Contact us! Our experienced consultants will be happy to support you in your search for a suitable solution. Contact us at Tel. +49 2541 / 84841-0 or by e-mail at info@teka.eu.

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