About us

TEKA - We are "The air purifiers"
From a two-man business to a global player
It all started with a small, grey box. 25 years ago, Jürgen Kemper and Erwin Telöken developed and built their first extraction system for dental and laboratory technology. With great potential - as the rapid growth of the company showed. Within a few years, the two-man operation developed into a global player. Today, TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH has around 150 employees in Coesfeld and Weseke and produces extraction systems for the automotive, metal and electrical industries. TEKA filter systems create clean air for employees in industrial workplaces and contribute to environmental protection. The spectrum of the full-service provider ranges from mobile and stationary systems for point extraction to ventilation solutions for hall air filtration and complex system solutions for the cutting industry.
Dealer loyalty and customer proximity
Customised to the operational situation, suitable for everyday use, easy to operate - this credo still applies to TEKA solutions today. despite continuous growth, "Die Luftreiniger" have always kept their feet on the ground and emphasised close dealer and customer support. TEKA is recognised in the industry as a problem solver that responds intensively to the needs of retail partners and end customers. Personalised advice is also a top priority in the digital age. The in-house communication centre with training rooms and 1,000 m² of exhibition space, where more than 100 training and further education courses take place every year, plays an important role in this.
Living spirit of innovation
To this day, the company continues to set trends in ventilation technology with new developments. The fulfilment of legal standards that protect users from harmful welding fumes and grinding dust directly at the workplace has always been of great importance. TEKA was one of the first suppliers to be awarded W3 certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15012-1 by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for almost all mobile and stationary extraction systems.
Health protection is booming